“How long will it take?” they ask.
That’s often the question as one is working through their issues of limiting beliefs, fears, emotional reactions, or sabotaging behaviors. Always the question, “How long will it take?”
It will take a certain number of hours. You can put those hours in early and be done sooner, or you can do just a few minutes a day of change work and have it take many years.
It’s like learning to read, dance, fly an airplane, or play a musical instrument. All of these things will take a certain number of hours before you reach a level. If you want to go further and master more emotional skills and more of your beliefs, it will take more hours. The critical way to measure how long it will take is by how many hours you spend practicing, not the days or weeks of the process. If it takes 100 hours to break through a set of limiting beliefs you can do it in 5 weeks, or you can do it in 5 years. Either way it will take you the same number of hours.
So to answer the question about, “How long will it take before I see the changes I want?”
The answer is a certain number of hours.
This is an excerpt. Full post at How long will it take?